Monday, January 02, 2023

You turn gray – and then you dye

That’s my hair undyed.

Sometimes I dye my hair dark brown, its natural color before the gray strands started showing up. 

I’m not trying to hide my age. As I write this, I’m just two months into my 61st year.

I don’t mind being gray-headed – if my entire head were gray. But it’s still in its salt-and-pepper transition stage.

Some people, like George Clooney, look good in that. I don’t. I just look tired, like a sleepless vampire with a bad hangover.

Most of the time, I just leave my hair in its natural state. But sometimes I get tired of looking at myself looking tired in the mirror.

So when the mood hits me, I dye my hair with iColor. It’s in a sachet, like a shampoo, and you massage it into your hair and leave it there for at least 30 minutes.

No big deal. The way I figured it is: If a lot of young people dye their hair pink or purple or green, why can’t old people dye their hair back to its natural color? Or maybe even dye it pink or purple or green?

I haven’t nor will I ever consider dyeing my hair in any of those colors. 

I might consider ash gray, though. Meanwhile, I’ll just let my hair turn grayer — and from time to time dye it dark brown.